Know How / Grassland management

In the current challenging climate, all livestock producers are under pressure to maximise the cheapest food source – forage. See the latest thinking on grazing methods, forage systems, reseeding and varieties as well as how others are making more from grass and maize.


Case studies

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Why Gloucs dairy farmer is adopting longer-grass grazing

A Gloucestershire dairy farmer is adapting her grazing management to make her farm more resilient as the climate changes, improving her soil health and reducing reliance on inputs. Third-generation farmer…


How cobalt deficiency tests led to higher lamb weights

A split trial on a Dorset farm highlighted a 3.52kg uplift in weight gain and reduced susceptibility to worms in lambs supplemented for cobalt deficiency. The result of the trial,…


Why simple herbal ley mix benefits Durham mixed farm

Government clarification that growing one herb, one legume, and one grass together qualifies as a herbal ley under the Sustainable Farming Incentive is grist to the mill of a County…


How an intensive beef finisher has cut carbon footprint

A Welsh beef finisher is demonstrating that making structured progress towards net zero is achievable in an intensive farming system. Dylan Jones, who farms on Anglesey in partnership with his…


How carbon audit kick-started dairy’s net-zero ambition

Improved slurry storage and an increase in milk from forage have helped a Cumbrian dairy farm cut its carbon footprint by one-third. When the Dunning family first looked at Raisgill…


How a beef farm is managing grassland to face extreme weather

Maize is an established part of Ian Farrant’s system at Underley Farm, Stoke Bliss in Worcestershire, and a crop he describes as a “brilliant insurance policy’’ in dry summers when…

Practical advice

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7 lessons learned outwintering in soaking conditions

Winter growth rates struggled on many outwintering systems this year, and the cattle at Castletown Estates, near Carlisle, were no exception. Ruari Martin, farm and estate director, told the Beef…


Advice on grazing management for dairy heifers

Well-managed rotational grazing for dairy replacements can produce cost-effective growth and train calves to become effective grazers. However, it is important to recognise the limitations in their first grazing year.…


How to get the most from red clover in silage

Red clover silage leys respond well in a multicut system, with best results from mowing every five weeks. Cutting at the red bud stage just before flowering in mid-May will…


6 tips for managing this year’s first-cut silage

Slurry stores are full and forage stocks are running dangerously low on many farms. While grass is generally growing well, many fields remain vulnerable to damage by poaching and machinery.…


How to manage dairy cows at grass as seasons get more extreme

Regularly measuring grass growth, assessing trends and being adaptable to changing weather patterns are helping one grass-based dairy manage extreme weather conditions. Herd manager Antony Mitchell milks 600 spring- and…


How visiting other farms can improve business resilience

Perthshire beef and sheep farmer and Farmers Weekly’s Grassland Manager of the Year 2023 John Ritchie is convinced the biggest improvements on his farm have come from listening to other…


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16 ways to improve suckler herd profitability

British beef farmers can check their management practices against a list of tried and tested ways to make their suckler herds more profitable and productive. A joint levy board initiative…


Tips for establishing white clover in a sward

A combination of correct pH, good seed-bed conditions and minimal competition from weeds is important for successful clover germination, according to consultant Andre van Barneveld of Graise Consultancy in Ireland.…


Conservation grazing grows as alternative land uses develop

Biodiversity net gain (BNG) became mandatory in the planning system in England from February 2024, allowing landowners to earn an income from selling biodiversity units to developers. This is just…


Bacterial inoculant boosts milk yield 1.9kg/day, study shows

Inoculating silage increases available dry matter, improves aerobic stability, and increases milk yields, according to the findings of a new trial. The independent trial was carried out at Reading University’s…


6 livestock tech developments to look out for

From driverless tractors to cameras for identifying diseases, several high-tech innovations are coming down the track. Farmers Weekly looks at six highlights. See also: NI farm transforms slurry and food…


Why calcium is critical for soil, plant and animal health

Calcium’s superpowers have been known by agronomists for years, yet not enough attention is paid to the crucial role this mineral plays in soil health on farm. This is according…


What is 'Total grazing' and will it work in the UK?

A radical grazing technique is gathering pace which claims to maximise grassland production and rumen function by baring off pasture at the 3.5-leaf stage. “Total grazing” involves moving cattle four…


Why diverse forage mixtures could improve outwintering

Findings from a recent trial in Devon have concluded that outwintering cattle on a diverse mix of forages can help improve both animal and soil health, while also benefiting the…



6 things to watch out for in wet spring maize campaign

Maize growers should be prepared to address soil compaction and drill later if required after a record-breaking period of rainfall. The wettest 18-month period across England in recorded history could…


Can living mulch cut maize cost and protect soil health?

Maize is an important component in livestock diets, but growing the crop is often associated with harmful environmental effects caused by soil erosion and run-off. The tendency for maize ground…


5 ways to reduce the carbon footprint of maize production

Managing maize production as efficiently as possible offers UK growers one of the biggest opportunities to minimise the carbon footprint of their forage production. Dairy and beef sectors are increasingly…


What lessons can be learned from 2023 maize harvest?

Farmers harvesting maize later in October 2023 were plagued by wet and difficult conditions. “Maize was a lot riper than people thought it was. Farmers were put off harvesting because…


Maize grower relief at emergency seed treatment ruling

British maize growers can breathe a sigh of relief that three European seed treatments have been given the green light for UK use next year. UK regulators have granted emergency…


Options for harvesting maize in wet conditions

A switch to grain maize could be the answer for farmers with maize crops still standing because harvest has been hampered by wet ground conditions.   This is according to…


Maize Watch: Bumper maize yields for many

Maize growers around the country are reporting very good yields this year. “Contractors are chopping now in all regions. Yields are 44-49t/ha, which is very good compared with the long-term…


Maize Watch: Mild weather helps crops to mature steadily

Maize crops continue to mature steadily through this period of mild weather and warm nights. Plants have dried a lot this week, with many crops having leaves senescing from the…

AHDB resources

See AHDB resources on rotational grazing

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Cell grazing improves liveweight production from grass

Cornish young farmer and engineer James Daniel believes UK farmers can grow more grass than their New Zealand counterparts by harnessing rotational grazing strategies. Following a six-month stint working in…


Video: How a dairy farmer cut concentrate costs by £30,000

Close monitoring of daily production and producing more milk from forage have enabled a Suffolk farmer to reduce concentrate use by almost one-third. In 2019, Jonny Crickmore was comparing the…


Grassland and Muck 2014 video: Revolutionary grass monitor on de...

A revolutionary grass monitor that can be mounted on a wellie boot and automatically measures grass height via ultrasound sensors is set to make measuring grass easier. The Grassometer from…


New entrants harness hills with £106 a cow winter feed cost

A young family owes a debt of thanks to an open-minded landlord and a small and hardy cow type that thrives on rough Cairngorm hill country. Without the faith of…